Cemetery Ahlen

Complete profile

The old Jewish cemetery existed since 1788. It was dissolved in 1938, because it had been occupied for a long time. The new cemetery next to the Christian municipal cemetery survived the time until today relatively unscathed. Today there are still 106 gravestones here.

Turnverein Oberdorf - Jewish founding and honorary members

Complete profile

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding ( Stiftungsfest ), the founding members of the Oberdorf gymnastics club named on the plaque were appointed honorary members. Of the 12 founding members mentioned, 6 were members of the Israelite community of Oberdorf - Leopold Neumetzger, Bernhard Rießer, Heinrich Rosenberger, Wolf Fröhlich, Isak Sänger and David Weil. Also the creator of the anniversary card, of whose signature unfortunately only the surname Heimann is recognizably readable, was a community member of the Israelite community of Oberdorf.