Medical practice and residence of Artur Wertheimer

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The house at Schlossstrasse 4 had been owned by the merchant Israel Salomon since the 1840s and was sold to the Wertheimer family in the 1860s. In 1920, Artur Wertheimer purchased it and set up a medical practice. However, Artur Wertheimer soon moved to Haag in Holland, where he can be traced to 1931 at the latest. In 1939, he had to sell the house, which he had bought for 75000 marks, far below its value,  since, according to the city administration, it allegedly had considerable redevelopment arrears.

Jewish cemetery (Hennen)

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The cemetery was in use from 1700 to 1920. The eight stones that still exist today are no longer at the original location. Until about 1900 Jews from Fröndenberg Dellwig were buried in this cemetery. According to the death registers of Hennen, 13 Jews died in Hennen from 1822 to 1865. To date, six deaths from Dellwig are known.

Jewish cemetery (Balve)

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The location of the previous cemetery, opened in 1718, is unknown today. The cemetery has a size of 392 square meters. The 6 gravestones existing today document an occupancy period from 1868 to 1935.The cemetery was bought by the Catholic Church in 1972. According to the death registers of Balve 34 persons of Jewish faith died from 1827 to 1936. From1868 to 1936 14 persons died. Away from the 4 gravestones of the Bondy family are 2 almost weathered stones, they are surrounded by a metal fence. These are probably Johanna (Hendel) and Helene Hendel Cohen. Both married a Schuler (student).

Jewish cemetery (Hamm)

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The first Jewish cemetery was located on the Nordenwall near the monastery and the castle next to the Judengasse. However, the conditions in this cemetery were not satisfactory, as it was used as a lumberyard.

From 1825, the Jews were then buried in the Ostenfriedhof, which was built around 1800. The old cemetery existed until 1954, when it was lifted and the remaining 20 stones were moved to the new cemetery.

Jewish cemetery (Heessen)

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The Jewish cemetery of Hamm-Heessen is located at the Kleiststrasse.
The first mention is in 1822, but the cemetery is probably much older. The last burial took place in 1889.

In 1944, this cemetery was totally destroyed in a bombing raid. Only a bomb crater and an old oak tree remind of this cemetery.

Until 1956 the plot still appeared in the cadastral maps. In 1985 the site was ünde built over.

Jewish cemetery (Fröndenberg)

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The 392 m² large plot was purchased in 1845 by Cusel Bernstein and Feist Nathan Neufeld. The still existing 15 gravestones document an occupation period from 1844 to 1935. It is unlikely that the gravestones correspond to the real graves. At the left edge there is a grave field of Russian foreign workers who found their last rest there between 1941 and 1945. To the right is the memorial slab for the 4 women who were hanged in October 1944 in the Auschwitz subcamp (Union Weichsel). They smuggled grams of explosives.

Jewish cemetery (Mengede)

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On 15.12.1845 the Jewish community acquired a 192 square meter property from the farmer Anton Grasmann. The royal government in Arnsberg granted the permission for use on 20.03.1846. Since the cemetery was soon occupied it was closed at the beginning of the 20th century. Probably Moses Mendel who died on 04.01.1907 was the last one to be buried here.

According to the death registers Castrop died from 1844 to 1873 in Deusen, Bodelschwing and Mengede 21 people.