Shoe store company Gebrüder Goldmann
The shoe store of the Goldmann brothers could be found at the address Marktstraße 5 since 1921 at the latest. The owners Wilhelm and Hermann Goldmann themselves lived in Gera. In 1934 the company had disappeared from the address book.
Hermann Goldmann was deported to Buchenwald in November 1938 and from Berlin to the Riga ghetto in January 1942. There he perished.
Boxberg's palace, apartment of Wolf Eibeschütz
„Naumann's house, behind the Seethore, a stone very graceful building, built in 1750 in the Italian taste, decorated with good sculpture. [It has an excellent garden, which its present owner Jude Eibeschütz has embellished in a splendid way and decorated with statues, grottoes, fountains, a pond and summer palace. [It is eleven windows long, but five of them extend forward as a double projection. The middle protrusion has three windows, where in the height of the belt ridge a beautiful free exit resting on consoles, protrudes, under which the doorway enters.
Marketplace Diez
In some of the houses in the marketplace, Jewish businessmen sold the most diverse goods until 1938.
Last sold Adolf Meyer (No. 8) shoes as well as leather goods and the department store Josef Bodenheimer (No. 1 u. 3 / corner Rosenstraße) textiles. Siegmund Schaumburger (No. 7 / corner Werkes) offered men's clothing too.
Exchange office of Joseph Kaskele and Philipp Aaron in Hotel de Pologne
Joseph Kaskele, the son of Jacob Kaskele and brother of Michael Kaskel, ran a bill of exchange business with his father-in-law Philipp Aaron at the Hotel de Pologne.
Villa Wach
Law firm - Attorney at law Dr. Max Wassertrüdinger
Garden of Wolf Eibeschütz, called Adlersthal
"The garden of the Baron von Eibeschütz near Briesnitz ... also deserves to be mentioned. It is small and full of finery. One finds in it a nice grotto, a Chinese hall, and in general a great variety. The small apartment is very pleasant and nicely furnished. The greatest advantage of this garden is undoubtedly its beautiful and excellent location on the Elbe, which flows by here. From it, one can see Dresden in all its splendor, and at the same time, the charming and diverse surroundings very well. (Daßdorf)
Feed - Wholesale - Bernhard Königsgarten
Paul Celan
"I have never poetized a line that would have had nothing to do with my existence."
From this quote by the writer and poet Paul Celan, it is clear how closely his work was interwoven with his biography. As a Jewish, German-speaking poet of Romanian origin, he processed the horror of the Shoah in his texts. His best-known poem Todesfuge has been printed and adapted many times.