Jewish cemetery Alsbach

Complete profile
The Jewish cemetery of the community of Alsbach-Hähnlein on the Bergstrasse, twelve kilometers south of Darmstadt, is one of the oldest and largest in the region. It stretches over the area between the eastbound Bundesstrasse 3 between Darmstadt and Heidelberg in the east and the westbound railroad line between the same cities, directly north of the country road between the districts of Alsbach and Hähnlein.

Jewish cemetery Altengronau

Complete profile
The Jewish Cemetery Altengronau is a Jewish cemetery in Altengronau in the Main-Kinzig district (Hesse). It was established in 1661 and served as a burial ground for several communities, including some from neighboring Bavaria. The cemetery is located on the hill southeast of the village of Altengronau at the edge of the forest and has a size of 88.87 ares. It houses approximately 1500 gravestones dating from 1691 to 1937.

Jewish cemetery (Angenrod)

Complete profile

The cemetery was established in the middle of the 18th century. It was the central burial place for the Jewish communities in Alsfeld, Romrod, Leusel (here only individual families belonging to Angenrod), Ober-Gleen and Grebenau, until these communities partly established their own cemeteries. The entrance gate was rebuilt in 1897 due to a foundation. During the Nazi period the cemetery was reduced by more than half of its original area. Today the cemetery area still covers 14.39 ares. The oldest gravestone dates back to 1842.