Homburg synagogue

Complete profile
"During the Second World War, the building was only damaged, but after years of neglected building maintenance, there was a danger of collapse, so that in 1952 it was necessary to demolish the roof truss and parts of the surrounding walls. In the 1980s, the ruin was even to be completely demolished to make way for an apartment building with 14 residential units and underground parking, but this failed not least because of the objection of the preservation of historical monuments." Reinhard Schneider in: Fischbach / Westerhoff 2005, p. 444 Last use: Memorial since March 25, 2003

Synagogue (Worms) Judengasse, Am Synagogenplatz

Complete profile

The present synagogue Worms goes back to the synagogue built in 1034. From this first building the founder's inscription has been preserved - today it is built into the outer wall next to the main portal. The synagogue was built as a hall with two columns (two naves) and a bima in the center. It was the first building of this type and set the trend for later synagogue buildings. In the same way synagogues were built in Regensburg (1210/1220), Prague (1260s), Vienna (1294) and Krakow (15th century)