Former synagogue Große Münzenstraße (Brandenburg)
" (...) Firemen (carried) several gasoline canisters (inside) and subsequently the fire developed into a large fire. (...) In front of the entrance to the synagogue stood a tall SS man in uniform, (...) but I suspect that this was the former Lord Mayor Dr. Sievers." This statement was made by the eyewitness Otto Leppin, who had to observe this horror scenario in the night of 9/10 November 1938 in the house opposite. After years of research, it turned out that this atrocity against the Jewish community was carried out under the direction of Dr. Sievers.
Synagogue Edelstraße (Beelitz)
The synagogue has become dilapidated over the years. Services were held at Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 5 in the home for mentally handicapped Jewish children. Last use: no information
Synagogue Fischerstraße (Bad Freienwalde)
Last use: garages
Klosterstraße Synagogue (Angermünde)
Last use: garden
Franzensbader Street Synagogue (Berlin)
Last use: residential
Prinzregentenstraße Synagogue (Berlin)
1913 acquisition of the property Prinzregentenstr.