Synagogue Kallstadt Neugasse
Eckersgasse Synagogue (Herschberg)
Because of the relatively high number of Jewish villagers around 1800, it can be assumed that a prayer hall was still established in the 18th century. However, the first mention of a synagogue is available only with a report of the district directorate of the State Administration Commission of 1815. The Herschberg Urkataster of 1844 shows that a synagogue (presumably a newly established building) was bought in 1830 by Sebastian Stahl zu Battwiler for 300 gulden. This building could not have been too small, since it also housed the Jewish school until 1863.
Synagogue Göcklingen Schulstraße
Synagogue Gaugrehweiler No information
Synagogue Friedelsheim Bahnhofsstraße
Synagogue Freinsheim Judengasse
Synagogue Frankenstein main street
Synagogue Läppchen (Eßweiler)
A synagogue ("Judenschule") is mentioned already in 1789. The street where it was located is still called Judengasse today.