Medieval synagogue (Eisenach)

Complete profile

Karlstraße 23
99817 Eisenach

50.975222, 10.321869

A synagogue existed in Eisenach since the Middle Ages. It was located in the then Judengasse, in the area of today's Karlsstraße 23 and existed until the 19th century. Before that, there was probably already a synagogue in the 14th century in the area of today's Löbergasse.

On September 30, 1864, a prayer room was inaugurated in the back house of the house Jakobsplan 19, which was acquired by the Jewish community. The Jewish community grew rapidly and the prayer room soon became too small. In 1882, the ducal administration limited the capacity of the room to 100 worshippers for safety reasons. Jewish festivities were celebrated at this time in the inn Zum Löwen, today's memorial Goldener Löwe, in the Marienstraßen.

For these reasons, the Jewish community began looking for a suitable location for a new synagogue building in 1883.

Literatur (letzter Zugriff am 22.05.18)
Brunner, Reinhold, "Von der Judengasse zur Karlstraße. Jüdisches Leben in Eisenach", Hain, Weimar 2003
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