Synagogue Bauerbach (Grabfeld) with schoolroom (1892 - around 1930)

Complete profile

Henneberger Straße 5
98631 Bauerbach

Früherer Straßenname
Hauptstraße bzw. Henneberger Straße 58 [Hausnummern und Straßenführung im Ort geändert]
50.4978494, 10.3889048

In the 18th century a prayer hall was established in the area of the so-called "Judenbau". The synagogue is registered under No. 12 in the ... historical plan of Bauerbach.

In 1824 a new synagogue was consecrated. In 1874, the 50th anniversary of the dedication of this synagogue could be celebrated. Many Jewish guests came to Bauerbach to join in the celebrations. The Christian singing society also performed in the synagogue. However, this synagogue had to be demolished in 1891 because of dilapidation ("unusable due to repeated breaking out of the sponge"). A few years earlier, the Jewish community had collected donations for their "damaged synagogue".

After demolition of the synagogue since then, a new synagogue with a schoolroom was inaugurated in 1892. At that time, teacher G. Holländer from Berkach had also campaigned for a new building. Duke Georg of Meiningen donated for the construction of the new building. The consecration of the synagogue was on 17/18 June 1892 by Landrabbiner Dr. Dessauer.

The synagogue was only about four decades the center of Jewish community life in the place. Already in the 1920s, regular services could no longer be held. Only devotions were held in the synagogue. 1930 the synagogue building with school room was sold, was used still short time from school room, went 1937 into private property and is used since then as a dwelling house.


(Alemannia Judaica)

Die Synagoge in Bauerbach, 1892 neu erbaut, wurde bis 1930 [?] genutzt, danach verkauft und 1937 zum Wohnhaus umgebaut
Black and white photo of the brick house with balcony
vor 1990 [?]
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Alemannia Judaica
ggf. URL
Zeugnisse jüdischer Kultur. Erinnerungsstätten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Berlin, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen und Thüringen, Berlin 1992, S. 260-261.
Brocke, Michael / Ruthenberg, Eckehart / Schulenburg, Kai Uwe: Stein und Name. Die jüdischen Friedhöfe in Ostdeutschland (Neue Bundesländer / DDR und Berlin), Berlin 1994, S. 241-243.
Kahl, Monika: Denkmale jüdischer Kultur in Thüringen, hrsg. Thüringisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Bad Homburg / Leipzig 1997, S. 41-43.
Nothnagel, Hans (Hrsg.): Juden in Südthüringen – geschützt und gejagt. Eine Sammlung jüdischer Lokalchroniken in sechs Bänden, Band 3: Juden in der ehemaligen Residenzstadt Meiningen und in deren Umfeld, Suhl 1999, S. 69ff.
Schwierz, Israel: Zeugnisse jüdischer Vergangenheit in Thüringen. Eine Dokumentation, unter Mitarbeit von Johannes Mötsch, hrsg. Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Thüringen, Erfurt 2007, S. 64-69.
Küster, Eike: Jüdische Kultur in Thüringen. Eine Spurensuche, Erfurt 2012, S. 30-34.
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