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In der Muhl 3
66740 Saarlouis

Früherer Straßenname
(ehemals Muhlenstraße), Ortsteil Beaumarais
49.320347, 6.725794

According to a report from 1817, the Jews living in Beaumarais attended the synagogue in Wallerfangen, which was apparently not unproblematic, since in that year there was a dispute between the Jews living in Beaumarais and Wallerfangen. Presumably, the Jewish families in Beaumarais already wanted to break away from Wallerfangen at that time and have their own prayer hall. However, this did not happen until the middle of the 19th century. Between 1844 and 1850 a synagogue could be built at the Muhlenstraße. Although Beaumarais was at that time still branch to the community in Wallerfangen, however, there was no longer sufficient space in the synagogue there due to the increased number of Jewish community members. 
The synagogue built in Beaumarais was a simple longitudinal hall building with a gable roof. On the street side it had three high round-arched windows, and on the southeast gable wall a round window. 
In 1891, the congregation wanted to build a new building, but a request for financial support from the Ministry of the Interior was denied, making a new building impossible. It remained with the previous synagogue, which was sufficient due to the declining number of community members since the beginning of the 20th century and was probably abandoned as early as 1936. At the November pogrom 1938 it came apparently thereby to no actions against the building.
The former synagogue initially remained vacant for a long time after 1945, until 1962 a warehouse was established. In 1967, the building has been demolished to the height of the window sills, was raised and converted into a residential building.   

Aufnahmen der Synagoge in der Muldenstraße
black and white picture of the street where the synagogue stood. Centered house on the right with large windows.
ggf. Urheber / Künstler
Fotos von Hans Nicola, erhalten von Thomas Laurent / Vermittlung durch Günter Zenner, Haifa
Bildquelle (Woher stammt das Bild)
Alemannia Judaica
ggf. URL
Volk, Herman, Studienkreis Deutscher Widerstand Heimatgeschichtlicher Wegweiser zu Stätten des Widerstandes und der Verfolgung 1933 - 1945, 1989 Köln.
Fischbach, Stefan et al., Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Rheinland-Pfalz, Staatliches Konservatorenamt des Saarlandes, Synagogue Memorial Jerusalem "... und dies ist die Pforte des Himmels" Synagogen Rheinland-Pfalz - Saarland, Mainz 2005.
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