Synagogue main street (Weisendorf)

Complete profile

Hauptstraße 17
91085 Weisendorf

49.6222433, 10.8250053

A synagogue was built in 1782. The Jewish community was able to acquire the property Hauptstraße No. 17 from Löw Jacob in that year. In the house standing on this property the first-mentioned Jew Haimb had already lived in 1685. The synagogue was the center of Jewish life in Weisendorf for about 120 years. The synagogue building also housed the schoolroom and the ritual bath. The prayer room had a wooden barrel vault. 
At the end of the 19th century, it was hardly possible to hold services, as there was no longer a minyan (required number of ten Jewish men of religious age).     

In the following year 1904, the synagogue was sold to the Jewish community of Adelsdorf, which took over some of the interior furnishings and sold some. In 1905, the synagogue building was purchased by the non-Jewish Stiegler family. The latter demolished the synagogue building and built a new residential house on the foundation walls. The cellar vault was filled in, and a new entrance to the cellar was created. The old access to the cellar (and almost certainly to the mikvah) is still recognizable. 

Schwierz, Israel, Steinerne Zeugnisse jüdischen Lebens in Bayern, 1992 München.
Lehmann, Lothar, Zur jüdischen Geschichte Weisendorfs. In: Johann Fleischmann (Hg.): Mesusa 2. Spuren jüdischer Vergangenheit an Aisch, Aurach, Ebrach und Seebach. Mühlhausen 2000. S. 117-128.
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