Wittelsbacher Straße 2
94315 Straubing
With the establishment of a Jewish community in 1897, a first prayer hall of the community could also be inaugurated. On September 4, 1907, after five months of construction, a synagogue could be inaugurated in Straubing. The Straubing synagogue had been built according to plans by the architect Hans Dendl.
On September 10, 1932, the 25th anniversary of the synagogue could be celebrated. During the November pogrom in 1938, the synagogue was devastated. The gasoline to set it on fire had apparently already been provided by SS men, but the city's fire chief objected. He feared that the surrounding houses and the old people's home opposite would be damaged. So "only" the interior was completely devastated, the building itself remained intact.
After the end of the war, a box was turned in to the police. It contained the Torah scrolls, candlesticks as well as cult objects. It is unknown which of the SS men secretly brought the items to safety and kept them throughout the war.
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