L 250
52372 Kreuzau
The Jewish cemetery in Drove was occupied at the latest since the second half of the 19th century. However, it is probably older. In 1852, the Drove synagogue community had the cemetery, which was then located in the so-called "Judendriesch" field, newly enclosed. Jewish citizens who died in Kreuzau and Nideggen were also buried here. The cemetery was last occupied in 1941 (last burial of Gustav Roer on June 4, 1941).
There are about 60 gravestones preserved in the cemetery. The total number of interred is higher. In the Drove "Lagerbuch über die Grabstätten und Begräbnisse des israelitischen Kirchhofes zu Drove" (archives of the Kreuzau municipality) created in 1910, 51 burials have been entered since 1910; 19 burials from the period between 1889 and 1910 were subsequently entered. On December 27, 1905, the burial ground was entered in the land register of Drove (owner: Düren synagogue community).
During the Nazi period, the cemetery came to the local community of Drove for a sum of 150 Reichsmark. At that time, the cemetery plot consisted of the actual burial ground and a small arable plot. Between 1938 and 1945 numerous gravestones were damaged or destroyed by force or by the effects of war. In 1953 the cemetery was desecrated.
In September 1962, a 2.50 m high memorial was erected with the inscription: "For the victims of National Socialism". The memorial was made by Anton Egloff (Düsseldorf Academy of Arts). The cemetery is included in the list of monuments of the municipality (Flur 4 No. 29/1).

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