48149 Münster
The medieval cemetery of the Jewish community of Münster was located on the outskirts of the city on the grounds of the Paulinum Gymnasium. After the plague pogroms against the Jews in the Middle Ages, the cemetery was leveled. A last remnant of this cemetery is a memorial stone from 1324, which is located in the synagogue of Münster's Jewish community. It is the oldest surviving Jewish gravestone in Westphalia.
When the Jews had resettled in Münster around the year 1810, a new cemetery was established in what was then Roxler Street, now Einstein Street. For once, the cemetery was not desecrated during the Nazi era. But due to its neglect during the Second World War and even afterwards it was not without damage. The burial place in Einsteinstraße was in the use of the Jewish community of Münster until 2002.

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