Complete profile

In the Middle Ages Jewish inhabitants are mentioned for the first time in 1332. After the persecution in the plague period 1348/49 one hears 1371/72 again from Jews in the city. In 1384 a synagogue (prayer hall) was mentioned in Butzbach. The Jewish families lived especially in the Judengasse (later Hirschgasse). Their main source of income was pawnbroking. However, one also hears of a Jewish doctor and of Jewish scholars. Nothing is known about an expulsion of the Jews at the end of the Middle Ages, but most of the Jews moved away from the town in the middle of the 15th century. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Jews again lived in the town, making a living mainly from small trade, but also from crafts. In 1622, five to eight families were counted, and in 1656, ten families with one rabbi. For unknown reasons, the families moved out of Butzbach again after some time or were expelled. A stronger influx did not occur again until the 19th century. Around 1848, 27 Jewish inhabitants (five families) were counted. Since it was foreseeable that more families would follow, they received permission to establish an independent religious community a short time later. A prayer room could be set up in the town hall as late as August 1848. In 1868 there were 14 families. By influx from the neighboring villages - strengthened after the time of the First World War - and influx of some so-called East Jews it became about 40 families.

A synagogue could be built on August 20, 1926 in Wetzlarer Straße. After 1933, part of the Jewish community members emigrated due to the increasing disenfranchisement and reprisals, many of them to the USA (80 people). During the November pogrom in 1938 not only the synagogue was burned down, but also Jewish stores and apartments were completely devastated and Jewish inhabitants were mistreated. In 1941 and 1942 the last 18 Jewish persons from Butzbach were deported to extermination camps and murdered, further former Butzbach Jews were deported from other places. After 1945, no Jewish community was established in the town.

50.4613902, 8.6505571171631
Auszug aus der Topographia Hassiae von Matthäus Merian, 1655
Drawing as an extract from the Topographia Hassiae by Matthäus Merian, 1655, showing the town of Butzbach as an ink drawing from 1655
ggf. Urheber / Künstler
Matthäus Merian
Pia Hilse
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Publikationsdatum Text
First mention of Jews
Datum Text
Permission to establish your own religious community
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Last Jews deported
Datum Text
1941 und 1942
Wolf, Dieter, Im Butzbacher Raum. Arbeitseinsatz ausländischer Arbeitskräfte in Fabriken und Betrieben oder in der Landwirtschaft, Wetteraukreis und Geschichtsverein Butzbach, Butzbach 2004
Horst, Ludwig, Zur Geschichte von Butzbach. Von der Vor- und Frühgeschichte bis zur Gegenwart, Geschichtsverein Butzbach, 1971
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