Complete profile

In Grünstadt there was a Jewish community until 1940. Its origin goes back to the time of the 17th century For the first time a Jewish person from Grünstadt is mentioned on the occasion of their admission in the Franconian Leutershausen (district Ansbach) in 1612. At the end of the 17th century a Jewishcommunity in Grünstadt is mentioned for the first time in a document from 1698, which had made a larger collection to the Mannheim community after the fire of 1689.

In the 19th century one of the largest small-town Jewish communities in the Palatinate region existed here. In 1804, 165 Jewish inhabitants were counted. In 1848, there were 85 Jewish families with a total of 473 people. After that, the number declined due to emigration and emigration (1875 348, 1900 182, 1925 144 people). The community belonged to the district rabbinate Frankenthal. 

In1933 there were still 123 Jewish persons living in Grünstadt. Of them, due to increasing reprisals, disenfranchisement and the consequences of the economic boycott, most moved out of Grünstadt by 1938 (in November 1938 there were still 19 Jewish residents).

49.5650392, 8.1638346
Datum Text
17. Jahrhundert
End of the community
Datum Text
Literatur (letzter Zugriff am 26.06.18) (letzter Zugriff am 26.06.18)
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