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21339 Lüneburg-Ochtmissen

Früherer Straßenname
Gemeinde Ochtmissen, Haus Nr. 28 /

bis 2008 Werner-Jansen-Weg
53.273447475116, 10.390577051636

In the autumn of 1945, the British-Jewish aid organization Jewish Relief Unit (JRU) was looking for a convalescent home for boys and girls who had escaped the Nazi genocide. The choice fell on Lüneburg, as a small post-war Jewish community had already established itself there, which could be involved in the care of the children.

In January 1946, the 'Pension Heiderose' at Uelzener Stra&lig;e 29 could be used as a children's home for a short time. The British military government laid claim to the building in 1946, the children had to move out and were temporarily housed in the so-called Mönchsgarten. New accommodation was soon provided in house no. 28 (now Hotmann-Weg) in the nearby village of Ochtmissen. They also had a barrack to sleep in near today's kindergarten.

The owner of house no. 28 in Ochtmissen was the widow of the local writer and doctor Werner Jansen. The house was used by the NSDAP as a children's home until the end of the war.

By the summer of 1948, it became apparent that the children's home would be closing, with the number of occupants falling significantly. It was closed at the end of September 1948.


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