Complete profile

Unterfarrnbacher Straße 158
90766 Fürth

49.491478, 10.953316

After the devastating 30-year war, a small Jewish community settled in Unterfarrnbach around 1700. The Judenhof was located in the area of today's Unterfarrnbacher Straße 152 – 164. It included several small dwellings and a Jewish school (No. 158), i.e. a prayer room with a mikvah, a ritual bath. … After the middle of the 19th century there was no longer a Jewish community. ...

In what is now the incorporated district of (Unter-)Farrnbach, an independent Jewish community with its own synagogue existed until the 19th century
. The date of construction
of the small house of worship at number 44 (today: Unterfarrnbacher Straße
158) is unknown. In a court register from 1745 there is a note that the
„Häuslein“ hätte „ehedem ein Brennhäuslein ohne Gemeinderecht sollen werden. However,
the Jews living there have set up a Jewish school in it without the consent of the manor. This place of worship was probably largely destroyed by fire in 1824 and rebuilt. The
Latin date 1835 above the current entrance door
may refer to the beginning of the reconstruction. After the dissolution of the congregation, the synagogue was described and inventoried:

It was solidly built, single storey, about 6.40 meters long and 7.60 meters wide, with
a gable made of stone framework and a roof covered with wide tiles. The worship room had a wooden ceiling. The inventory included:
14 bookcases, a bookcase, an altar table, a pew running around the walls, several doors and curtains, a chandelier and silver chains. Max Marx bought the building for 300 guilders and undertook not to use the building for any purpose that was unprofessional or contrary to the views of the municipal council (of Fürth). ... In 1943, the former synagogue was severely
damaged in an air raid; in 1957, it was given its current appearance by an extension and continues to serve as a private residence.

Barbara Ohm, Durch Fürth geführt, Bd. 2, Fürth 1999. S. 148
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