Biographies of Jewish artists of the "École de Paris"

The temporary exhibition "Paris Magnétique" (January 24 - May 1, 2023) at the Jewish Museum Berlin is dedicated to the works and activities of Jewish artists who...
Picture collage of three Jewish artists
Picture collage of three Jewish artists

The temporary exhibition "Paris Magnétique" (January 24 - May 1, 2023) at the Jewish Museum Berlin is dedicated to the works and activities of Jewish artists who came to Paris from various countries at the turn of the 20th century. Among the artists who regularly frequented the Café du Dôme in Montparnasse were Rudolf Levy, Lou Albert-Lasard and Walter Bondy.

On Jewish Places, you will continue to have the opportunity to learn about the biographies of these three personalities of the "École de Paris" even after the exhibition has ended.

You can find out more about the biography of the painter and art collector Walter Bondy and read a biography of the artist Lou Albert-Lasard. In addition you can find out more about the life of expressionist painter Rudolf Levy.

We wish you interesting reading.