It's hard to believe that our website is already four years old! On September 13, 2018, we started and the first users published...
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Shana Tova apple

It's hard to believe that our website is already four years old!
On September 13, 2018, we started and the first users published their first entries on places of Jewish life.

Today, the interactive map counts more than 13,000 entries and new Jewish places are added daily. Many Jewish Places users from the very beginning have remained loyal to the Citizen Science project to this day. To them, and to the hundreds of users who have joined in recent years, we say from the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU!
Only with your help can the knowledge of Jewish local and regional history grow and Jewish history be understood as a natural part of all history.

Some contributions that were published in the first month of the project, we would like to bring into focus again in the context of this beautiful occasion. For example, the history of the synagogue in Bopfingen, the mikvah in Hamm (Sieg), the Jewish cemetery Judensand in Mainz and the department store Wilhelm Rosewitz in Apolda.

At the same time, we would like to draw your attention to one of the latest entries, which was published recently: The biography on theater actress Therese Giehse. Have fun reading and discovering it!

The Jewish Places team wishes you all Shana Tova u Metuka!
May it be a healthy, peaceful and sweet New Year 5783!