Jewish Places is celebrating its first birthday. Our geographical website has been live since September 2018 and is...
Statistics and Graphs
Statistics and Graphs

Jewish Places is celebrating its first birthday. Our geographical website has been live since September 2018 and is attracting more visitors all the time. Almost one thousand new contributions were added to the interactive map over the past year. All thanks to you, our dear users!

The Lewy/Gossel family home, the Jewish School in Oldenburg, the Nathan Israel department store, and the former Jewish children’s home and boarding school in Caputh are just a few of many examples of interesting places in your areas that you’ve shared with the Jewish Places community.

New self-guided walks (in Telgte and Friedrichsstadt an der Eider, for example) and new biographies (e.g. Charlotte Wolf and Helene Zahn ) uploaded by our active users invite you to discover the diversity of Jewish life either online or right outside your own front door. And if you were wondering which contributions have been visited most often, it’s the biographies of Henriette Stenger and Leo Trepp and the self-guided walk in Potsdam.

We’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your support and your participation in this one-of-a-kind community project. Your faith in one another and in our editorial team gives us strength and motivates us to continue to improve Jewish Places, working together with you. We have ambitious plans for the next twelve months and hope that you will keep exploring with us and sharing your discoveries with the community.