Complete profile

Karl-Marx-Allee 1
10178 Berlin

Früherer Straßenname
Litzmanns-Gasse (1705-1874) Litzmannstrasse (1874-1939) named Gerlachstraße 18/21 August 25, 1939
street demolished 1970
52.522974803215, 13.420161888568

The Jüdische Altenheim Gerlachstraße was confiscated by the National Socialists during the Second World War and used as a collection point for elderly and old Jews who were to be transported to concentration camps. 260 original residents and over 2000 elderly Jews were deported from here. In the late 1960s, the buildings that had not been destroyed by Allied bombs were demolished to make way for the GDR's House of Statistics.

In 2015, the massive, vacant House of Statistics complex became the subject of a collaborative, community-based redevelopment project. Redevelopment work on the site of the former house will begin in the second half of 2024.

  • 1876 +1900 Construction of the building
  • 1931 Inauguration of the “Jüdischen Altenheims für die Provinzen Brandenburg und Grenzmark e.V.” in Litzmanstra;e 18/19-21 (1939 renamed Gerlachstraße). The retirement home was considered a showpiece für “Zweckmäßigkeit and Behanglichkeiten of the room facility and equipment” and had a capacity of 120 occupancy beds.
  • 1935 A commemorative plaque is attached, which commemorates the Jewish victims of the Berlin “Hosteinschänderprozess” of 1510.
  • 1939 Forced Übertungungungung der Treuhänderschaft fär das Gebäude an die “Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland”
  • 17.8.1942-17.3.1943 Gerlachstraße 18-21 was used as a “collection camp” before deportation by the “Großen Alterstransporte” and “Osttransporte” to Theresienstadt, Riga or the death camps.
  • 1955 - The Synagogue Gebäude is placed under monument protection.
  • 1960 - Property of NS Volkswohlfahrt on property of the people übertragen. Decision to demolish the land for the development of the House of Statistics.
  • 1970 - The buildings were demolished.
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