Jewish cemetery Ottostraße

Complete profile

66953 Pirmasens

49.196515838914, 7.6119196250416

The Jewish cemetery on Ottostra&szlig is part of the city's Old Cemetery. The Jewish part was established in 1878, when the Jewish community in Pirmasens had grown strongly and the space in the cemetery in Zeppelinstraße was no longer sufficient. Burials took place until the cemetery was closed in 1927 and again in 1933. The original 150 or so graves, some of them very ornate, were almost completely destroyed during the Nazi regime and a pond and a fire shed were built on the grounds. After the war, 17 rescued gravestones could be reinstalled in a row along the cemetery wall.


Gerhard Heil: Die jüdischen Friedhöfe in Pirmasens. Entwicklung seit 1945 und der heutige Zustand. In: Juden in Pirmasens - Spuren ihrer Geschichte. Zusammengestellt von Bernhard Kukatzki, Dunja Maurer, Heike Wittmer und dem Arbeitskreis Jüdische Geschichte, Pirmasens, 2. Auflage 2017. S. 226-243.
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