Lubica 11
68-343 Woiwodschaft Lebus
The cemetery is located since 1945 in Poland, in the village Zasieki.
From the border crossing (north of Forst) follow the signs in the direction of Zasieki übeyond a traffic circle to the railroad crossing in Zasieki. Leave the car in front of the railroad crossing and go back a few steps (north-west) to the first house. In front of this house, a tree-lined dirt road branches off to the right (east-west), which you follow for about 500 m until the end of the development on the left. Here crosses another dirt road, which you follow to the left (northwest) about 50 m, until you see the cemetery on the left side.
The cemetery is framed on three sides by a pretty rotten wooden fence, on the (eastern) access side the fence is missing, but is apparently to be rebuilt soon.
Sämtliche Gräber are destroyed, only with two of the three is still so much inscription preserved to recognize a name.
Almost all of the cover slabs are broken, they are made of concrete, not natural stone, which suggests a less prosperous community.
The exact number of graves in this cemetery, which was established around 1900, can no longer be determined, it is likely to be between 30 and 50.
The state of preservation is bleak.
Since 2007, the high school in Forst has taken care of the cemetery, once a year students from there together with those from the partner school in Israel spend a day caring for the cemetery.
Brocke et al., Stein und Name, Die jüdischen Friedhöfe in Ostdeutschland), Berlin, Institut Kirche und Judentum, 1994
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