Jakobstrasse 5a
02826 Görlitz
The Jewish community in Görlitz is considered extinct since the 2nd World War. Persecuted, expelled, or murdered in the years 1933-1945, the fates of the former Jewish inhabitants are accordingly changeable.
The Stolperstein Guide Görlitz is a good orientation for finding the Stolpersteine laid in Görlitz. The first ten Stolpersteine laid in Görlitz in 2007 included the doctor Erich Oppenheimer and his wife, the veterinarian Eugen Bass, the painter Paul Boehm and his sister, and the textile merchants Betty and Sigmund Fischer. With the laying of three more Stolpersteine in honor and memory of Martin Ephraim and the couple Paul and Margarete Arnade, the number grows to a total of 14. Meanwhile, 21 Stolpersteine are laid in Görlitz. More are planned for laying in 2021.
The story behind the names on the Stolpersteine can be found prepared and accessed via website www.stolpersteine-guide.de or app. On the Facebook page Stolpersteine Guide Görlitz/Zgorzelec, many private insights are provided, photos are brought to light, of the people who are irretrievably lost, who had to leave their homes, far too often, found death by the National Socialist regime in Germany in the years 1933-1945. Learn more about the fates of the Jews of Görlitz. Link: Stolpersteine-Guide Görlitz-Zgorzelec www.stolpersteine-guide.de
Link: https://stolpersteine-guide.de/staedte/208/gorlitz
Kontakt stolpersteineguide@kulturbuero-goerlitz.de
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