63450 Hanau
Isidor Berberich was born on June 19, 1893. He is also counted among the patriotic Jews. He fought for Germany in World War I and was killed near Bertrix on August 22, 1944. His parents had a cenotaph made for him at the family grave. In the former synagogue, which was unfortunately destroyed, hung a memorial plaque for the Jewish Hanau soldiers who died in the First World War. Isidor Berberich's name was also on this plaque. In Bertrix there is a memorial for the fallen French and German soldiers, among whom was Isidor.
In World War I fell from the Jewish community: Isidor Berberich (b. 19.6.1893 in Hanau, gef. 22.8.1914), Vizefeldwebel Sally Löbenstein (b. 26.6.1890 in Hanau, gef. 3.6.1915), Abraham Moritz (b. 25.6.1893 in Langenselbold, gef. 12.1.1915), Vizewachtmeister Dr. Willi Schwabe (b. 16.4.1886 in Hanau, gef. 25.9.1915), Fritz Siegfried Stern (b. 19.10.1886 in Hanau, captured 20.1.1916), Julius Sternau (b. 25.4.1897 in Hanau, captured 18.2.1915), Simon Weil (b. 30.7.1882 in Schweinfurt, captured 4.5.1916) and Leopold Baer (b. 1.12.1896 in Stockheim/Büdingen, captured 9.1.19?). Also killed in action: Sergeant David Strauß (b. 12.3.1883 in Hanau, before 1914 resident in Mannheim, gef. 10.9.1914), Private Willy Stern (b. 24.8.1896 in Hanau, before 1914 resident in Darmstadt, gef. 12.7.1916).

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