Josefstraße 6
76437 Rastatt
Alfred Grünbaum lived and practiced in the magnificent villa of the master builders Johann and Isidor Belzer on the Murg. He was also a doctor at the municipal hospital in Rastatt. He was born in 1900 in Homburg am Main. With his wife, Gertrude Nachmann from Gernsbach, he had two children, Ernst Max born in 1928 and Gerhart born in 1932. As a well-known personality in the city, Alfred Grünebaum was exposed to anti-Semitic hostility even before the National Socialists came to power. His brother, editor-in-chief of the Social Democratic newspaper "Der Volksfreund" in Karlsruhe, was already deported to the Kislau concentration camp in 1933. Alfred Grünebaum's practice was one of the places where the National Socialists showed their power in Rastatt on Boycott Day, April 1, 1933. Hard hit economically, Alfred Grünebaum emigrated in 1935 to Palestine, where his brother Sally had already fled in 1933.
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