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Dechant-Amecke-Weg 3
58802 Balve
51.327860090216, 7.8659268467133
The location of the previous cemetery, opened in 1718, is unknown today. The cemetery has a size of 392 square meters. The 6 gravestones existing today document an occupancy period from 1868 to 1935.The cemetery was bought by the Catholic Church in 1972. According to the death registers of Balve 34 persons of Jewish faith died from 1827 to 1936. From1868 to 1936 14 persons died. Away from the 4 gravestones of the Bondy family are 2 almost weathered stones, they are surrounded by a metal fence. These are probably Johanna (Hendel) and Helene Hendel Cohen. Both married a Schuler (student). Helena died on 25.12.1857 in Balve.
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