41747 Viersen
The Jewish cemetery „auf der Löh“ is part of the municipal cemetery of the city of Viersen. It is a 1576 square meter area, separated by Büsche and Bäume, located in the northwestern part of the municipal cemetery. In 1907, this part was transferred to the Jewish community, but the burial ground remained in municipal ownership. In exchange for the land, the Jewish community gave the city free of charge that part of the burial ground on Florastraß, on which no burials had taken place.
The Jewish community buried its members here from 1908 to 1940. The last burial took place in 1968.
Today, 26 gravestones and 22 inscriptions are preserved. It concerns 17 single graves and 9 graves. In the years from 1946 to 1950 the cemetery was redesigned and the preserved graves received uniformly designed gravestones.
Near the graves a memorial stone was erected in 1948. On one side is depicted a Star of David and on the other side is the year „1945“, there are no other inscriptions.
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