Otto Landsberg worked as a book and art dealer in the family business "S.L. Landsberg" in Oldenburg. With his wife Martha he had two children together: Ursula and Hans.

Due to his Jewish roots, he was arrested and deported during the Nazi era. The persecution of Jews forced the two children to leave Germany without their parents already at that time. They emigrated to England. After his release, Otto also emigrated to England together with his wife.

Book and art dealer
11. Juli 1891
Paulsen, Jörg, Erinnerungsbuch. Ein Verzeichnis der von der nationalsozialistischen Judenverfolgung betroffenen Einwohner der Stadt Oldenburg 1933–1945, Bremen 2001, S. 103.
Werkstattfilm e. V. (Hrsg.), Ein offenes Geheimnis. ‚Arisierung‘ in Alltag und Wirtschaft in Oldenburg zwischen 1933 und 1945, Katalog zur Ausstellung [Ein offenes Geheimnis. ‚Arisierung‘ in Alltag und Wirtschaft in Oldenburg zwischen 1933 und 1945, 27. April bis 1. Juli 2001 in der Steinweghalle in Oldenburg], Oldenburg 2001, S. 72.
Meyer, Enno, Die im Jahre 1933 in der Stadt Oldenburg i. O. ansässigen jüdischen Familien. Herkunft, berufliche Gliederung, späteres Schicksal, in: Oldenburger Jahrbuch 70 (1971).
Elerd, Udo/Gäßler, Ewald, Die Geschichte der Oldenburger Juden und ihre Vernichtung [Aus Anlaß der Ausstellung im Stadtmuseum Oldenburg vom 9. November - 11. Dezember 1988], Oldenburg 21997, S. 36.

Sonstiger Name
Otto Ludwig Landsberg
Childhood and youth

Hindenburgstraße 30
26122 Oldenburg

Geo Position
53.138174, 8.20401

Otto Ludwig Landsberg was born on July 11, 1891, the eldest of five children (Walter *1892, Ludwig *1893, Kurt *1896, Anna *1900) of Flora (née Cohn) and Moritz Landsberg in Oldenburg. Until 1924, the family lived at Hindenburgstraße 30 in Oldenburg.

Family life

Theaterwall 24
26122 Oldenburg

Geo Position
53.139649, 8.210463

Otto Landsberg married Martha (née Cohnheim), who was born in Gleidingen near Hanover on June 28, 1893. In 1924, the Landsberg family moved their residence from Hindenburgstraße 30 to Theaterwall 24 in Oldenburg.

On April 02, 1924, Otto and Martha's first child Ursula saw the light of day. Four years later, Hans was born on September 29, 1928. Both children attended the Jewish elementary school in Oldenburg, as the family belonged to the then socially more highly regarded group of merchants in retail and wholesale trade.

Profession and work

Schüttingstraße 7
26122 Oldenburg

Geo Position
53.14075, 8.214156

The Landsbergs owned the family-run book and art store "S.L. Landsberg" at Schüttingstraße 7, which was located directly in downtown Oldenburg. The book and art shop was founded by Otto's grandfather Samuel Levi Landsberg. Otto took over the business and thus followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. At the end of 1936, in the course of the leadership of the National Socialist regime, he was forbidden by the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts to operate the art trade. Half a year later, the final prohibition of the entire trade took place.


In order to secure the existence of his family, Otto worked from 1937 in the wine wholesale winery S. Neugarten in Mainz as a commission traveler. However, his legitimation card for this was revoked in 1938. The reason given for this was that the issuance of the legitimation card had not been legal due to false information provided by the S. Neugarten company. Likewise, on April 14, 1938, the final forced expropriation of the book and art shop S.L. Landsberg to the "Aryan" bookseller Rudolf Ebel took place.

Arrest, deportation and emigration

United Kingdom

Geo Position
51.734331, 0.469089

Before Otto Landsberg was deported to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp on December 06, 1938, he was in "protective custody" in the Oldenburg court prison from November 10, 1938.

On December 01, 1938, the children Ursula and Hans emigrated without their parents to Essex, a county of England. Otto Landsberg was also able to emigrate to Essex with his wife Martha on August 24, 1939.

After World War II, Hans Landsberg moved to New Jersey in the United States in 1945 under the name "John."

At the age of 78, Otto Landsberg died in London on June 23, 1969.

23. Juni 1969

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Laura Hausschild, Annette Meister