Hüttenweg 46
14195 Berlin
From 1945 to 1994, there was an interfaith facility for Christian and Jewish soldiers* in the US Army called Chaplain Center. The first location was Unter den Eichen 78-79 and in 1957 the Jewish community moved to Hüttenweg. There, the congregation shared space with two other Christian congregations. This worked by the different congregations meeting once a month and discussing when who could use the rooms. This was reported by Rabbi Prof. Dr. Andreas Nachama in an interview on August 08, 2019. The people who met every other Friday for services at Hüttenweg 46 were about 90% from America and about 10% from Berlin, according to Mr. Nachama. He also described how for the services they converted the multipurpose room, which was also used for workshops, children's crafts and senior gymnastics, into a synagogue room. To do this, among other things a Torah cabinet on casters was pushed into the room. Until 1994 the facility was very well maintained, but after that there was no money for maintenance, as the fund set up for this purpose by Americans was dissolved. In 1994 the last service was held in the hut and for five years there was a break. But in 1999, Mr. Nachama restarted the services at the Chaplain Center Hüttenweg. He now conducted services together with his father (Estrongo Nachama). More and more interested people were found. Then in 2002 the supporting association "Synagogengemeinde Berlin Sukkat Schalom E. V." was founded. "Sukkat Shalom" stands for hut of peace. In 2013, however, the congregation then moved once again to Herbartstraße on Lietzensee, where it remains today. Mr. Nachama also told that the move took place so that the community now has a location to itself and no longer has to move chairs every Friday.
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