Waldstrasse 206
27432 Bremervoerde
"The cemetery "An der Höhne", which is said to date back to 1767, is about 1000 m² large and today includes 25 gravestones from 1831 to 1934, plus two plinths without gravestone. The majority of the inscriptions have been traced with black paint. Noteworthy is the image of a butterfly in numerous pediments. In 2010 a memorial plaque with the names of 41 expelled or murdered Jews from Bremervörde was placed in the cemetery. The cemetery is in a well-kept condition.
Coming from Bremen or Bremerhaven on the B 71/74, turn left just under 1.5 km after the town sign into Waldstraße in the direction of Islersheim-Abbenseth (K 105). At the end of a forest on the left side, opposite the house Waldstraße 206, you will find a war grave site from the I. World War I. Directly next to it, in the forest lies the cemetery."
Dr. Hans-Peter Laqueur, Dr. Wolfgang Heumann,1-2019
http://www.gymnasium-bremervoerde.de/neu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=52&Itemid=166 (letzter Zugriff am 21.01.19)
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