Im Rabbinat
74542 Braunsbach
The Rabbinical Museum Braunsbach shows the eventful history of the Jewish community of Braunsbach as an integral part of local history as well as the history of the local rabbinical district. It informs in an interactive way about the coexistence, togetherness and antagonism of Jews and Christians during approx. 350 years, from approx. 1600 to 1942. Furthermore, the renewed rapprochement between the Christian population of Braunsbach and the descendants of the former Jewish fellow citizens after the end of the Second World War is presented and still exists today. In addition, basic features of the Jewish religion are presented.
With the exhibition, the initiators of the museum want to keep alive the memory of the former fellow citizens and let the younger generation experience history. Historical documents provide a deeper insight; by means of modern media, contemporary witnesses have their say and present their experiences and fates; playful activities introduce younger visitors to the topic. In the room of the former Israelite school, school classes are offered the opportunity to deal with this part of history using suitable materials and media.
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