Complete profile

Am Ramsberg 75
58509 Lüdenscheid

51.212225674387, 7.6186495000794

The Jüdische cemetery in Lüdenscheid is listed in the list of listed buildings and monuments in Lüdenscheid as „New Jüdischer Friedhof“ Am Ramsberg under the position 147. The old cemetery was previously located on a plot of land at the corner of Knapperstraße and Lösenbacher Straße. On October 21, 1887, the synagogue community of Lüdenscheid acquired the property Am Ramsberg and prepared it as a burial ground. The old cemetery, however, remained as a grass field, but was only used by the owner of the land, the Issak and Leifmann Lennhoff family. It was not until 1955 that the cemetery was reburied, the Old Cemetery was leveled and partially üoverbuilt. The book „Lüdenscheider Jüdinnen und Juden. 1690 – 1945“ by Erich Kann and Matthias Wagner (Reiner Padligur Verlag, Hagen 1995, 2nd ed.) elaborates üon the ownership relationships: „Ownership of the Old Jewish Cemetery is recorded: 1823 for the Lennhoff family, 1867: Judenschaft, 1933: Synagogue Community, 1953: Jewish Trust Corporation, 1955: City of Lüdenscheid.“ (p. 100)


Erich Kann, Matthias Wagner. Lüdenscheider Jüdinnen und Juden. 1690-1945. Hagen 1995
Matthias Wagner mit Friedrich Petraschm, Dirk Römer, Jürgen Wurster. Spuren jüdischen Lebens in Lüdenscheid. Lüdenscheid 2016
Walter Hostert. Lüdenscheid in Historisches Handbuch der jüdischen Gemeinschaften in Westfalen und Lippe. Die Ortschaften und Territorien im heutigen Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg, Bd. 3, S. 538-546. Münster 2016
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