B 28
72127 Baden-Württemberg
Immediately after moving to Wankheim in 1776, four to five Jewish families leased a site outside the village. The site was and is located on the boundary of the district near today's B28 in the area "Schinderklinge". The name indicates that slaughterhouse waste had previously been disposed of there.
The annual rent was three gulden plus for each adult burial two gulden and each child under 14 years one gulden. Only after protracted negotiations could the site be acquired by the Jewish community on March 7,1845, in return for a payment of 200 gulden.
The first preserved gravestone dates from 1778/79. Even after the abandonment of the Jewish community in Wankheim, the cemetery was used by the Jewish population in Reutlingen and Tübingen until the time of National Socialism.
In 1946/47, a memorial stone was erected for fourteen Tübingen Jews who had perished during the Nazi era. To date, about 140 gravestones have survived. However, the condition of many gravestones has deteriorated greatly in recent years since a systematic documentation of the graves in 1995 (see bibliography). In the current state the cemetery is exposed to decay should not fundamental restoration measures take place.
.Further additions will follow
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