Jewish DP camp (Bad Salzschlirf)

Complete profile

Lindenstraße 2
36364 Bad Salzschlirf

Früherer Straßenname
Hotel Badehof
50.622396, 9.504897

The DP camp in Bad Salzschlirf was opened in the summer of 1946 and was run by Hersch Finkelstein, Kotok Salomon, Schulim Schapiro as well as Samuel Metzger.

The numbers of residents they developed as follows:

938 July 1946
845 November 1946
804 February 1947
862 June 1947
723 September 1947
745 January 1948
643 May 1948
601 October 1948
328 March 1949

In the camp there was the sports club Kadima Bad Salzchlirf, a kindergarten as well as an elementary school and also a vocational school. In terms of religious facilities, the residents had a prayer hall and a religious school. A camp police force of its own ensured order. The Salzschlirfer Lebn was the newspaper in the camp.

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