Complete profile

Hohenzollerndamm 177
10713 Berlin

52.489892, 13.311974

The German-Jewish Theater is located since  1994 in the building of the Citizens' Office in Charlottenburg/Wilmersdorf. The German-Jewish Theater continues the idealistic work of the former Jewish theater "Bimah" in the Meinekestraße, after the last one was on the verge of closing.
The team of the German-Jewish Theater, which consists of participants from different cultures, has the goal to contribute to an intercultural exchange in the city and to develop a Christian-Jewish dialogue.
The work of the theater goes back to German-Jewish history and wants to make Jewish culture closer and accessible to non-Jews and to continue to prevent anti-Semitism. The German Jewish Theater performs two weeks a month. Plays by Jewish writers, with Jewish motifs, or by Israeli authors are performed.

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