“Limmud” is Hebrew for “learning” or “lessons” – and that’s what makes up the...
Lettering of Limmud
Lettering of Limmud

“Limmud” is Hebrew for “learning” or “lessons” – and that’s what makes up the core of the Jewish educational festival of the same name. We’re proud to present Jewish Places to the Jewish community at the Limmud festival in Berlin on 1 December.
We’re particularly pleased that we can take the opportunity to explore the event venue, the Jewish secondary school Jüdische Gymnasium Moses Mendelssohn. The venue has a long tradition as a site of Jewish learning and first opened its doors as a Jewish school in the 1860s.
Would you like to find out more about this Jewish Place? Visit the entry for the Moses Mendelssohn Gymnasium on our website. Maybe you know of other Jewish Places that our users could explore?

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