Privatbank Hirschmann & Kitzinger - Karl Hirschmann

Complete profile

In 1873, Friedrich Hirschmann and Samuel Lev Kitzinger founded the private bank Hirschmann & Kitzinger in Fürth, later also in Nuremberg. In 1918, the bank was taken over by Commerzbank. The former owners and sons of the company founders Carl Hirschmann and and Dr. Gebriel Kitzinger remained managers of the branches in Fürth and Nuremberg until 1936. Carl Hirschmann and his family emigrated to the USA in 1936 under increasing pressure and the National Socialist policy of exclusion.

Publishing house, printing house and picture book factory - Gerson Löwensohn

Complete profile

After learning the trade of girdler, Gerson Löwensohn did an apprenticeship as an engraver. In 1844, Gerson Löwensohn received a license for a copperplate printing shop. In 1852, he also completed an apprenticeship as a lithographer and moved the company - now called "Lithographische Kunstanstalt G. Löwensohn" - to Sternstraße 19. In addition, Gerson Löwensohn specialized in the printing and sale of picture sheets, children's books and picture books, and in 1865 he completed an apprenticeship as a bookseller. Four years later, he introduced color printing.