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Synagogue~Prayer Room
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Old prayer hall Aldingen

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In 1730, the Aldingen local lord Georg Wolf von Kaltenthal accepts the first two Schutzjuden (Abraham and Mazam Kahn) and assigns them the old parsonage near the Margarethenkirche as their home. In the attic of the parsonage, the two Jews set up a prayer room, which was probably used as a religious meeting place by the Jewish community of Aldingen until 1798 (purchase of the house at Kirchstraße 15 and conversion into a synagogue)


Synagogue Wassergasse (Kirberg)

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The building was built about the middle of the 18th century. This is a so-called "angle synagogue", which is due to the fact that it is hidden (Thea Altaras).
Use of the two rooms on the second floor by the Jewish community. Fittingly, it is reported in 1844 that the Jews*Jews of the towns of Mensfelden, Dauborn, Heringen and Kirberg came here to worship for over 100 years.


Jewish prayer house and birthplace of Kurt Löwenstein

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Community life and school reform: The Bleckede synagogue community, which was founded in 1844 and to which Dahlenburg and later Hitzacker also belonged, was housed here and used the upper floor as a prayer room. This was also the birthplace of the reform pedagogue Dr. Kurt Löwenstein (1885-1939). A member of the Reichstag since 1920 and head of municipal education in Berlin, Löwenstein advocated school fees based on income, expansion of school lunches and workers' baccalaureate courses. In 1933 he emigrated to France, where he succumbed to a heart attack in May 1939.

Prayer room (singing)

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The Jewish inhabitants of Singen initially belonged to the synagogue community of Constance. In the course of the 1920s, their number increased to such an extent that a congregation foundation and the construction of a synagogue were seriously considered. In order not to always have to travel the long distances to the synagogues in Gailingen and Constance, they first set up a prayer hall. Salo Schärf, owner of the furniture store "Roll and Co.", made the rooms above his store in the Poststraße 19 and 21 (today's Freiheitstrasse) available for this purpose.