Solr Facette
Term ID

Synagogue Lüdenscheid Luisenstraße

Complete profile

From 1902, the prayer room of the synagogue community existed on the second floor of a building in Luisenstra&szlig, üabove the restaurant „Jägerhof“. In 1937 the prayer room was abandoned, and the organ was sold in January 1938 for 50 Reichsmark to the Free Evangelical Congregation in Halver. This part of the building was later demolished, the new building is part of the town library. At the Rück side of the building in Corneliusstraße is a memorial plaque unveiled in 1990 „Here, in the years 1901 to 1936, the hundred Jewish Bürger Lüdenscheid gathered for prayer.

Synagogue Lippstadt

Complete profile

In 1957, the stepped gables were removed and a flat roof was created, round-arched windows were replaced with rectangular windows. Various use of the building for secular purposes. Since 1988 under monument protection. Since 2020, the building has been used as a cultural and memorial space, supported by the Kulturraum Synagoge Lippstadt e. V. (Cultural Space Synagogue Lippstadt). Since 2021, the light installation "Fenster" of the Amsterdam artist Lynne Leegte points to the building. Näheres under www.synagoge-lipppstadt.de