Jewish Community
Solr Facette
Jewish Community
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Complete profile
Dörzbach is a municipality in the Hohenlohekreis district in the Franconian-influenced northeast of Baden-Württemberg. It belongs to the Heilbronn-Franconia region (until May 20, 2003 Franconia region).

Jewish community Freudental

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The Jewish community in Freudental in the district of Ludwigsburg in Baden-Württemberg existed from the first half of the 18th century and comprised over 40 percent of the town's inhabitants in the middle of the 19th century. The community experienced its decline towards the end of the 19th century, like many other Jewish rural communities, and became extinct as a result of the persecution of Jews at the time of National Socialism.

Jewish community Haigerloch

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The Jewish community of Haigerloch was a religious community that existed for over six centuries in Haigerloch in today's Zollernalbkreis in Baden-Württemberg, which was destroyed during the National Socialist era. Today there is an association, the Gesprächskreis ehemalige Synagoge Haigerloch e. V., which deals with the memory and history of Jewish life in Haigerloch.

Jewish community Hardheim

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The Jewish community of Hardheim in Hardheim in the Neckar-Odenwald district (Baden-Württemberg) was established as early as the Middle Ages and existed with interruptions until the time of National Socialism, when the last Jewish inhabitants of Hardheim were deported in 1940.

Jewish Community Heilbronn

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The Jewish community of Heilbronn has a long history. A significant settlement of Jews in Heilbronn existed as early as the 11th century and probably had a first synagogue at that time. The late medieval community had to endure outrages such as the Rintfleisch pogrom or the plague pogroms, but was also under the protection of the German kings and emperors in the imperial city of Heilbronn.


Complete profile
Hohebach with the hamlets Eisenhutsrot, Heßlachshof and Wendischenhof is a district of Dörzbach in the Hohenlohekreis in Baden-Württemberg.

Jewish community Horkheim

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A Jewish community in Horkheim, a district of Heilbronn in northern Baden-Württemberg, existed from the 18th century in particular, according to evidence of individual Jews going back to the 17th century. The community had its largest membership around 1771 and then declined noticeably in the second half of the 19th century due to emigration.

Jewish community Ihringen

Complete profile
There was a Jewish community in Ihringen until 1938. The community can be traced back to 1716, when, as a result of the expulsions of Jews in Switzerland and Alsace, there was the first documented report of Jews being accepted in the town. The members of the community belonged to the rabbinate of Breisach and were able to establish a cemetery together with the Emmendingen and Eichstetten Jews in Emmendingen from 1721. In 1738 the community consisted of 10 families and had its prayer room in a private building. When this was sold in 1760, they began building a synagogue in the same year.