Synagogue Zirkusgasse Vienna

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Synagogue of the Turkish Israelites (Sephardim) Construction period: 1885 - 87 Architect: Hugo von Wiedenfeld Architectural style: strict historicism based on motifs of the Alhambra, octagonal domed building. Capacity: 340 seats on the first floor, 110 seats in the galleries, also A total of 250 standing places. On the second floor of the building there was also a winter prayer hall with 105 seats. President of the Turkish-Israeli.

Synagogue Tempelgasse Vienna

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Construction period 1854 - 58 Architect: Ludwig Förster Architectural style: historicizing classicism with Moorish, Arabic and Assyrian citations; Three-nave hall building with two side wings separated by courtyards. The northern wing housed the Jewish Theological Institute, while the southern wing was used for the library and administration. Capacity: 2240 seats, 1500 standing room. Badly damaged by fire in 1917, extensive restoration work not completed until 1921. Completely destroyed during the so-called Reichskristallnacht, only the side wings survived.

Synagogue Lazenhof Vienna

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Name: Machsike Hadath "Strengtheners of the Faith". President: Simon Kohn (1932), Rab.: Siegmund Fürst (1932) Source: Jewish Yearbook for Austria 1932; Krakow Calendar 1937; Annual Report of the Jewish Community 1932 (A prayer house in the Lazzenhof existed before 1848, see also Ludwig Bato, Die Juden im Alten Wien, Wien,1928; in the annual reports of the Jewish Community Vienna 1902 - 1909 a prayer house named "Machsike Hadath" is mentioned) Last use: No information

Synagogue Seitenstettengasse Vienna

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Construction period: 1824 - 1826 Architect: Josef Kornhäusel Architectural style: revolutionary classicist and baroque influences, very significant in terms of art history! Capacity: First synagogue built in Vienna after the Tolerance Patent came into effect. In accordance with the regulations of the time for acatholic sacred buildings, the domed building is hidden behind a house facade. The interior was remodeled and modernized several times.