Synagogue Gaussplatz Vienna

Complete profile
Association prayer house Name: "Agudas Yeshurim" (Association of the People of Israel) Chairman: Dr. Josef Puder Qu.: Jewish Yearbook for Austria 1932, Krakow Calendar 1937, Annual Report of the Jewish Community 1932 (newly approvedI), Annual Report of the Jewish Community 1936 Last use: No information

Othmargasse Synagogue Vienna

Complete profile
Association prayer house Name: "Schomre Hadath" (Guardian of the Law) Chairman: Berl Löw, Rab.: Gerson Hager Qu.: Jewish Yearbook for Austria 1932, Krakow Calendar 1937, Annual Report of the Jewish Community 1932 (approved), Annual Report of the Jewish Community 1936 Last use: No information