Jewish cemetery (Birkenfeld)

Complete profile

The dead of the Jewish community in Birkenfeld were initially buried in the Jewish cemetery in Hoppstädten. A separate Jewish cemetery in Birkenfeld was established in 1891/92. In November 1891, the Jewish community asked the responsible authorities for the possibility to establish a cemetery in Birkenfeld. In the course of the year 1892 the cemetery could be handed over to its purpose. The oldest gravestone is from 1895 (for Lazarus Weil, died February 10, 1895). The cemetery was occupied until the Nazi period. The probably last burial was in 1939.

Zadek, Wilhelm

Complete profile
Wilhelm Zadek, born in Magdeburg on November 9, 1890; deported from Berlin to the Theresienstadt ghetto on December 17, 1942, and from there to the Auschwitz extermination camp on January 23, 1943