Abraham, Johanna

Complete profile

Abraham, Johanna, born on February 26, 1914 in Märkisch Friedland / Deutsch Krone / West Prussia, living in Berlin (Friedrichshain), deportation from Berlin on March 2, 1943 to Auschwitz, extermination camp.

Hopp, Rene

Complete profile
Jun. 2003
born Sept. 19, 1938 in Berlin, son of Ruth and Rudolf Hopp; deported Oct. 19, 1942 from Berlin to Riga, murdered there Oct. 22, 1942

Gattel, Richard

Complete profile
Sep. 26, 2006
Richard Gattel, born on June 3, 1870 in Berlin. He was deported to Theresienstadt together with His wife Ella on September 11, 1942 with the 62nd old-age transport. He died on January 29, 1943.