Fonden, Dorothea

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Dorothea Fonden and two other employees of the district administration of Friedrichshain (then Horst-Wessel-Stadt) expressed their protest against the Nazi regime with a mocking poem, which was also distributed among colleagues.

Goldschmidt, Hermann

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Hermann Goldschmidt was born in Bochum on March 18, 1876, the son of Max Goldschmidt and his wife Emilie, née Rose. After high school, he received commercial training and married Gertrud Rehfeld in 1913; their son Peter was born in 1914.

Lange, Cacilie

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Mar. 26, 2015
Cäcilie Lange (née Glaser) was born in Posen on April 3, 1900. Cäcilie was deported together with her two daughters Hanni and Herta on March 3, 1943 with the 33rd Osttransport.