Jaffe, Jacob 'Jascha

Complete profile
Jakob (Jascha) Jaffe was born in Berlin on December 4, 1934, the youngest son of Russian citizen Boris Jaffe and his wife Ida née Poschumenski; his sister Tamara was born on October 22, 1932, and his brother Jakob (Jascha) on December 4, 1934. The family lived at Hauptstraße 110. The father Boris Jaffe was a film traveler and when the Warner Brothers company left Germany, he lost most of his income, and the family lived in poor conditions. In 1938, his father Boris Jaffe, as a Russian citizen, received a request to leave the country.

Jaffe, Ida

Complete profile
Ida Poschumenski was born in Vilna/Lithuania on March 3, 1909, the only daughter of four children of the electrician Hirsch Poschumenski and his wife Sofia. She became a saleswoman and moved with her family to Stolp in the early 1920s. There she met Boris Jaffe, a Russian Jew who had converted to Christianity. They married in Berlin in June 1931, and their children were born: Alexander (1931), Tamara (1932) and Jacob (1934). Boris Jaffe worked as a film traveler for Warner Brothers and earned well, the family lived in a 3-room apartment at Hauptstraße 110.