
Complete profile

In Laupheim, which was lent by Austria to the Lords of Welden until the beginning of the 19th century, a Jewish community existed until 1938. Its origins date back to the time of the 18th century . After 1724 a first letter of protection had been issued, several Jewish families moved to the town in 1730/32. 

Laudenbach near Karlstadt

Complete profile

Laudenbach am Main - today a district of Karlstadt - looks back on more than 500 years of continuous history of Jewish culture. Jews have been settling in the village since 1426. The sites of their religious practice and everyday village life, which have been preserved to this day, are unique: the "Judenhof", the matzo bakery, the Jewish immersion bath, one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in Bavaria and one of the oldest village synagogues preserved in its form have survived the eventful history.