Bad Salzschlirf

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Salzschlirf was first mentioned in documents as early as 885. A few years ago, the year 812 was still considered the date of the first historical mention of the village of Bad Salzschlirf as Slirefa. Then, however, it became clear that the Slirefa mentioned in a document did not mean Bad Salzschlirf, but Altenschlirf - today a district of Herbstein. In documents from 885 the place mentioned is called Ulterior Slifera, because it lies further down beyond the stream Slirefa, seen from Altenschlirf (Vetus Slirepha).

Bad Schönborn

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Mingolsheim and Langenbrücken today's Bad Schönborn, belonged to the Hochstift Speyer from the 13th century until 1803. The respective bishop of Speyer was both secular and spiritual head of his territory. The official and administrative seat of the prince bishop for both places was Kislau Castle until 1722. Soon after the devastation of the Thirty Years' War, Jews were admitted to Mingolsheim in larger numbers. In 1720 there were five Jewish families living here, but it seems that there were already Jewish inhabitants in the village earlier.